Eddie Beekman  |  February 11, 2019


In this video, Eddie takes you onsite for an in-person walkthrough of a self showing at one of our rentals. When first hearing about the concept of a self showing, people often wonder how it works. These showings are very simple and convenient for tenant prospects.

In this video you will learn:

  • What the lockbox looks like.
  • How the lockbox works.
  • The items we put inside the home to help facilitate a successful showing.
  • Experience the showing from the eyes of the prospect.

Watch the video to see how a tenant prospect experiences a self showing.

Check out our other blogs from this series:

About the author

Eddie Beekman is the founder of "Give Your Clients Your Cell Number", because he believes there is no reason for poor communication! He tackles the daily management and maintenance issues that arise in the operations at APMG. Eddie is an excellent video blogger and likes to add humor to his videos. After 18 years of Property Managment you think you've heard it all, until tomorrow and it starts over.

Have questions you'd like to bounce off Eddie? Just give him a call or drop him a question through our contact form and he'll be in touch ASAP!